Society Publications
Last Poems
The Society’s centenary edition of Housman’s second volume of poetry has a Foreword by Sir Andrew Motion relating AEH’s themes to the Modernism of the 1920s and an Introduction by Edgar Vincent putting the collection into its biographical context.
The forty-one poems have Commentaries by Dr John Cartwright of the University of Chester.
112 pp hardback £14.99
Housman and Heine: A Neglected Relationship
Edited by Jeremy Bourne with translations by Gaston Hall. The original German, the translation and a selected Housman poem follow each other, drawing out connections and similarities of theme. 136pp paperback £10.00

Inseparable Siblings
A portrait of Clemence and Laurence Housman by Elizabeth Oakley.
150pp paperback £12.95
The Westerly Wanderer
A Brief Life by Jeremy Bourne. Paperback £8.95
Housman’s Places by Robin Shaw.
A guide, illustrated by drawings, photographs and maps, to the places important in the life of A.E. Housman. Paperback £7.99
Unkind to Unicorns
Selected Comic Verse by A.E. Housman. Second Edition prepared by Dr Archie Burnett £7.50.
Westminster Abbey Testimonials
A collection of Testimonials by writers, academics and politicians supporting A.E.H.’s acceptance into Poets’ Corner,
Westminster Abbey in 1996. Paperback £5.00
An Index to Archie Burnett’s Commentary on The Poems of A.E. Housman
(Oxford: Clarendon Press 1997) by Paul Naiditch £4.00
Three Bromsgrove Poets
An Anthology of poems by A.E. Housman, Geoffrey Hill and Molly Holden. Paperback £7.50
The Name and Nature of Poetry.
The Leslie Stephen Lecture delivered by A.E. Housman in Cambridge in 1933. Paperback £5.00.
Other Books available from the Society:
The Invention of Love
Tom Stoppard’s play (1997) with A.E. Housman as the central character. Paperback £8.99
Collected Poems of A.E. Housman
(Wordsworth Edn) Paperback £4.00
A Shropshire Lad
Pocket edition published by Palmers Press at £4.00.

A Shropshire Lad with photographs
by Gareth B. Thomas.
Published by Merlin Books to celebrate A.E. Housman’s 150th birthday. Gareth Thomas’s evocative photographs brilliantly illustrate Housman’s lyrical verse.. £20.00 including postage. Frontispiece reproduced.
Prints of the Francis Dodd Portrait of Housman and a postcard version are available at £10.00 and £1.00 for 5 respectively.
Also there is a postcard of Bromsgrove buildings associated with Housman at £1.00 for 5, as well as tapes, paperweights and other items of merchandise.
Greetings Cards
Nine high quality Greetings Cards
with a Housman poem illustrated by Shropshire scenes, are available at:
- 1 card: £2.00 each
- 4 cards: £6.00 plus £1.00 p&p
- Set of 9 cards: £12.00 plus £1.50 p&p
- Yon twelve winded sky
- The quietest places under the sun
- Ludlow Tower
- Coloured Counties
- Caer Caradoc
- When smoke stood up from Ludlow
- Loveliest of trees
- Is my team ploughing
- Blue remembered hills
Examples below, click to enlarge